Dynamika at your side
An online service allows you for each equipment to follow-up activitiy (session count and results) and make easy your equipment update.
3D layout design
3D virtual visit with plan of access
allows each client to view and confirm
the location of the most appropriate
Promotional Material
Communication and publicity material are available in the form of customisable flyers and posters as well as guidance on rates, sales pitch and targeted advertising.
After sales service
After sales service ensures correct
maintenance and sustainability of
equipment as frequently as necessary.
Customer loyalty
A full web application available on all smart phones, tablets or PC allows the customer to consult data for each session and measure progress.
A shipping and delivery service of spare
parts is ensured under 48h any spare
parts ordered before 13h are delivered the next morning.
Tools for coaching
Virtual coaching is provided throughout
active balneotherapy sessions. A coaching embedded application by interval training helps the user to burn more calories